FabPatch™ is an easy and high-quality textile rub-on repair patch. It can be used anytime, anywhere! Designed and manufactured in Finland. Find your patch from our versatile selection!



Regular price €23,90 EUR
Regular price €23,90 EUR Sale price €23,90 EUR


Regular price €23,90 EUR
Regular price €23,90 EUR Sale price €23,90 EUR


Regular price €23,90 EUR
Regular price €23,90 EUR Sale price €23,90 EUR


Regular price €23,90 EUR
Regular price €23,90 EUR Sale price €23,90 EUR


Regular price €14,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €14,90 EUR
ARKI FabPatch

ARKI FabPatch

Regular price €14,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €14,90 EUR
Vaatelaastari FabPatch vaatepaikka

DENIM FabPatch

Regular price €14,90 EUR
Regular price €6,24 EUR Sale price €14,90 EUR
Vaatelaastari FabPatch vaatepaikka


Regular price €44,90 EUR
Regular price Sale price €44,90 EUR
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Pants Don’t Last Long in the Fells

FabRebel Veinalotta is happy to have found a responsible and easy way to extend the lifespan and recyclability of her garments – she just patches them up!

New, lovely merino colors available!

FabPatch Merino patches are now available in four stunning shades: mossy green, warm burgundy, delicate gray, and timeless navy blue.

What do you want to patch? In the FabPatch™ collection, you'll find a solution for repairing clothing, footwear, and accessories. Click the links in the images and discover the best tips and product recommendations for various repair needs. More repair tips coming soon!

What do you want to patch? In the FabPatch™ collection, you'll find a solution for repairing clothing, footwear, and accessories. Click the links in the images and discover the best tips and product recommendations for various repair needs. More repair tips coming soon!

What do you want to patch? In the FabPatch™ collection, you'll find a solution for repairing clothing, footwear, and accessories. Click the links in the images and discover the best tips and product recommendations for various repair needs. More repair tips coming soon!

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FabPatch™ brand collaboration

Own patches for wool garments, workwear, down jackets and sportswear. Stunning patterns, fundraising products, and much more! - Together with our partners, we have created various FabPatch™ products for diverse repair needs. Brand collaboration products are available only through each partner's own sales channels and selected retailers.


Suomalainen Vaatelaastari -innovaatio palkittiin kahdella mantereella

Finnish Innovation FabPatch Honored on Two Continents

FabPatch Ltd, a company recognized with multiple awards in Finland, has won the grand prize at the Scandinavian Outdoor Awards. The victory was announced in June at the Outdoor ISPO event in Munich. Almost simultaneously, SISKO Ltd, representing FabPatch repair products in Australia, received a Highly Commended recognition at the Naturally Good Awards in Sydney. Read more!

Vaatelaastari Helsinki Priden kumppaniksi – teemme yhdessä näkyväksi sateenkaaren kaikkia värejä

FabPatch Becomes Partner of Helsinki Pride – Together We Make All Colors of the Rainbow Visible

Hey there, fabulous folks! We’re thrilled to announce that FabPatch Ltd. is now a proud partner of Helsinki Pride, Finland's largest human rights event. We’re not just showing up; we’re standing up for sexual equality and working to promote inclusivity and non-discrimination. After all, there’s a place for everyone under our rainbow! 

Euroopan 30 parasta kiertotalousyritystä torjuvat luonnon monimuotoisuuden vähenemistä - FabPatch Oy mukana listauksessa

Europe's Top 30 Circular Economy Companies Combat Biodiversity Loss - FabPatch Oy Featured on the List

Europe's leading 30 circular economy companies will be showcased at the World Circular Economy Forum 2024 in Brussels. The company list presented by Sitra illustrates how these companies address the challenges of biodiversity loss and create new business opportunities. Alongside this, Sitra will publish a handbook guiding businesses in developing circular economy models to achieve nature conservation goals. Read more

Prinsessa Pikkiriikki nyt elokuvateattereissa

Princess Pikkiriikki movie now in theaters

"Not all adult rules can be obeyed. It's just impossible," declares Princess Pikkiriikki in the brand new movie, in which we are delighted to be a partner. Based on the preview, we warmly recommend the movie to everyone over three years old, along with their parents. Read more

Meillä on paikka sinulle, joka saat sisällön syttymään!

We have an open position for a content producer!

The position has been filled. Thanks to everyone who showed interest! Do you possess creativity, a comprehensive approach to content creation, and enthusiasm for engaging new, captivating concepts? Are repairing and responsible consumption close to your heart? Do you have a twinkle in your eye? We also welcome crazy ideas. Read more!

Ylpeänä esittelemme: Uusi logomme!

Introducing our new logo!

The logomark features a variery of existing and fresh patch shapes stacked on top of each other. Crafted by the talented team at Kuudes Helsinki, led by Tony Eräpuro and Matti Lehto, this logo signals a broader renewal. It embodies our dedication to quality, innovation, and authenticity, paving the way for a globally competitive brand. Read more!

Joutsen Vaatelaastari® kevytuntuvatakeille

Joutsen FabPatch™ for lightweight down jackets

Our brand collaboration with Joutsen continues with the introduction of the new FabPatch™ product! In the winter adventures, your beloved go-to jacket may encounter unexpected injuries. Joutsen FabPatch™ for lightweight down jackets provides an easy and discreet way to mend the burns from sparks and conceal stubborn stains.

FabPatch Oy ja SISKO Ltd. tekevät korjausbisnestä kahdella mantereella

FabPatch Ltd. and SISKO Ltd. announces Repair Business co-operation between Finland and Australia

While traveling in Finland in 2022, and needing to repair a wear in pants, Australian Sophie discovered FabPatch™, the perfect solution to repairing textiles on the go. With FabPatch™ having exceeded her expectations under the rigors of travel and constant wear, Sophie showed her sister and best friend Megan Dyring her exciting discovery.

Saammeko esitellä: Merino Vaatelaastari®

Introducing: Merino FabPatch™

Our online store has been enriched with an anticipated new addition! The Merino package includes four soft and fluffy patches made from merino wool fabric, suitable for versatile repairs on clothing and accessories. Extend the lifespan of your merino wool base layers and sportswear with these rub-on patches.

Uusi vuosi ja uudet paikat!

New FabPatch™ products!

We have added two playful novelty products to our online store: Kruunu and Salama. The products are available in a limited pre-release batch exclusively from vaatelaastari.fi online store and from Prisma stores until the end of January. The products are familiar from the upcoming premiere of the Prinsessa Pikkiriikki movie, scheduled for Easter 2024.

World Vision Vaatelaastari FabPatch

World Vision FabPatch™

Finnish World Vision celebrates its 40th anniversary this year as a defender of children's rights. With joy, FabPatch is pleased to announce the special anniversary product created in collaboration with Finlayson – the World Vision FabPatch™!

Uuden verkkosivun paikka!

New website!

We have launched a new and improved website! We are still developing the site and would appreciate any feedback or suggestions at info@fabpatch.com.